15 - 17 September 2025  

Terms & conditions

How is my information stored?

The information you provide to us via this website is stored on Bioscientifica’s systems on a secure remote server. Bioscientifica has implemented stringent security policies and technical measures to protect your information from unauthorised use, or accidental loss. Any personal information held by Bioscientifica is stored securely, and is only accessible by authorised personnel. Individuals’ data is only stored for as long as it is required, and will be securely disposed of appropriately when it is no longer needed.


We do not disclose your personal data to other organisations other than as necessary for the purposes for which you have supplied your information, to comply with our legal obligations.

Links to third party websites

This website may contain links to other websites. Any third party websites are not covered by this privacy policy, and we encourage our users to refer to the privacy policies on these websites.

Your rights

You have the right to access any personal information that Bioscientifica Ltd holds about you. If we do hold information about you we will, upon your request:

  • give you a description of the information we hold about you
  • tell you why we are holding this information
  • tell you who this information could be disclosed to
  • allow you to have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

If you would like access your personal information, please contact: 

Tel: +44 (0)1454 642200
Email: [email protected]

Post: Starling House, 1600 Bristol Parkway North, Bristol, BS34 8YU

Changes to this privacy policy

If we make any changes this privacy policy, we will make the updated version available via this website. We will not make changes to the way that we use your personal data without first obtaining your consent to do so.

This policy was last updated on 15 May 2018.