15 - 17 September 2025  


Apply for the Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) ECR Registration Scholarships

Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) ECR Registration Scholarships

About the opportunity

The Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) are generously providing funding to support registration scholarships for six early-career researchers (ECRs) from groups historically under-represented in science, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to attend the 7th International Melanocortin meeting 15-17th of September 2025 at Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK.

The awardees will receive complimentary registration (no cash equivalent is available) and will be recognised by a presentation at the conference dinner. The conference registration fee includes access to the talks, lunches, and refreshments, as well as the conference dinner. The cost of accommodation, travel and the optional social activity are not included.

During the meeting, the six JNE scholarship awardees will also have the opportunity to meet with Prof Mike Lehman, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neuroendocrinology (Fundamental and Mechanistic Strand) and propose an early career perspective article for submission to the journal.

Eligibility requirements

  • ECRs working in an area of melanocortin biology related to neuroendocrinology from postgraduate (PhD) students up to those within 10-years of award of PhD, DVM or MD (or equivalent clinical qualifications).
    • Exceptions can be made for career breaks (including COVID-associated disruptions).
    • When an individual has more than one doctoral degree, the date of completion of the first will count towards the qualification period.
  • Applications from ECRs from low- and middle-income countries (for list click here: LMIC) are strongly encouraged.
  • Members of the British Society for Neuroendocrinology are also able to apply for the society travel grants to attend this meeting.

Application materials

  • Brief CV (up to 2-pages)
  • Covering letter outlining motivation and personal benefit of attending the meeting, as well as other sources of support to cover the cost to attend the meeting. For people >10-years post-doctoral, the impact of any career breaks should be briefly outlined in the cover letter.
  • Letter of support from PhD supervisor or postdoctoral advisor
  • Abstract - the abstract does not yet have to be formally submitted to the meeting prior to application, but it is expected that it would be submitted prior to any award being made.

Selection criteria

  • Personal/career development benefits to the ECR of attending the meeting.
  • Scientific excellence of the abstract.
  • Where possible a balance of demographics (sex/gender, geographic location, and ethnicity) will be sought.
  • Scoring of applications will be performed by the Prof Mike Lehman (EIC JNE – FMN strand) and the local organising committee of the 7th International Melanocortin Meeting (Profs. Cone, Ellacott, White and Yeo).

Application deadline

The application materials should be emailed to Prof Kate Ellacott ([email protected]) by 9am (GMT) Friday 7th March 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.


The applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday 4th April.