15 - 17 September 2025  


Prepare to submit your research

Abstract submissions for the 7th International Melanocortin Meeting will open in March 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 6 June 2025 (23:59pm BST)

Abstracts addressing any aspect of the melanocortin field are welcome.

If you submit before this deadline, your abstract will be considered for either an oral presentation or a poster.

Notifications will be sent to authors in late June 2025, ahead of the Early Bird Registration Deadline.

  • Abstracts must be a maximum of 350 words.
  • Your title and abstract text must be in English.
  • The use of tables and references is allowed but these will be included in your word count.
  • The use of figures and diagrams is not permitted.
  • All authors must approve your submission, and at least one author must register and attend the Meeting.
  • We will ask for the presenting author’s email address during the submission process. Please ensure that you have their permission to include this in your submission.


If you need to apply for a visa in order to be able to attend the Meeting, we advise that you submit your abstract as early as possible (around 3 months before the main submission deadline in June), to ensure that there is enough time for your visa application to be processed.

Late Breaking Submissions

Late Breaking Submission Deadline: Monday 4 August 2025 (23:59pm BST).

If you submit before the late breaking deadline, your abstract will be considered for a poster only.

Notifications will be sent to authors in late August 2025.