Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 6 June 2025 (23:59pm BST)
Abstracts addressing any aspect of the melanocortin field are welcome.
If you submit before this deadline, your abstract will be considered for either an oral presentation or a poster.
Notifications will be sent to authors in late June 2025, ahead of the Early Bird Registration Deadline.
If you need to apply for a visa in order to be able to attend the Meeting, we advise that you submit your abstract as early as possible (around 3 months before the main submission deadline in June), to ensure that there is enough time for your visa application to be processed.
Late Breaking Submission Deadline: Monday 4 August 2025 (23:59pm BST).
If you submit before the late breaking deadline, your abstract will be considered for a poster only.
Notifications will be sent to authors in late August 2025.